Speeding to Ikea

Ikea in Ludwigsburg www.waymarketing.com

We're still in a hotel until our house is ready, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the wonders of Ikea today.  We bypassed the furniture and went for the ultra cheap desserts.  Lori and I shared a pudding and Jello-raspberry sauce contraption that had a chocolate covered marshmallow on top with whip cream.  We also shared a chocolate Tiramisu-esque thing that was delicious.  mmmmmm.

Oh, and we achieved the 150 kph (93mph) mark on the Autobahn (with our friend driving).  Of course, that's not too uncommon of a speed on I-95 in Maryland, but it was still cool.  What has surprised us though, is the sheer number of traffic cameras (some hidden) and the strict adherence to traffic laws.  Apparently, you can get fined heavily for flipping someone the bird here.  Interesting, eh?

Google Images:  http://www.destination360.com


A Stroll Through Böblingen


Early Initial Thoughts